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Is Your Insurance Company Putting Off Your Auto Claim? What To Do

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If your auto insurance company is trying to deny your claim after an accident because they want the other driver involved in the accident to have their insurance cover the damages, you need to get a lawyer. If both insurance companies have put you on the back burner and you need financial help to get your vehicle fixed, you shouldn't have to wait around until one of the insurance companies comes through. Here are things to speak to a lawyer about.

Go Over Your Coverage Plan

You should be able to access a full copy of your current insurance policy, even if you didn't save the original one from when you took out the policy. Get online or call the company and ask for a PDF so you can print out the document. This way you can bring it in to your lawyer so they can tell you if your insurance provider is required to pay for the damages, and your medical bills, and if they are just trying to avoid having to pay.

Get in Contact with the Insurance Legal Teams

If your lawyer thinks you have a good chance to fight your insurance company, and the insurance provider of the other person involved in the accident, you may be able to create a settlement with both companies. The lawyer will contact both insurance providers legal teams, since this is more effective than you trying to get your claim recognized and getting ignored.

Get You the Money

How long will it take for you to get the money you need from the insurance company, and to get reimbursed or to pay to have your vehicle fixed? You need to get a realistic date, so you can know when you can resume your life and get the money that you need to get your car fixed, and to maybe get more money out of the settlement. You want to know when the lawyer expects for their fees, and what their percentage on the settlement is.

If you are exhausted with being pushed around by insurance companies and you need your money for the medical bills and auto repair bills you have, see a lawyer. Your lawyer may be able to get you settlement money you didn't even know you were eligible to get, and then you can get the bills paid and get back to your normal life again, hopefully with some extra cash.
