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Mistakes Often Made When Filling Out SSDI Paperwork

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Many people filing for SSDI (Social Security Disability Insurance) worry about their claim being denied. While denials can happen for a variety of reasons, sometimes they are caused by mistakes made when filling out the paperwork. Here are 4 potential mistakes that you need to be aware of.

Incomplete Forms

Part of applying for SSDI requires you to supply your full employment, education, and medical history. That is why it is so important that you fill out the application in a thorough manner. If you do not give enough information where it appears that you have neglected to provide part of your history, the claim could be denied.

Wrong Information

SSDI could also be denied if there is information on your form that is incorrect. For instance, you may have misspelled a doctor's name and it no longer matches associated paperwork. You may also have an address that was formatted incorrectly or write down an incorrect phone number. All of these are reasons why the claim could be rejected.

You need to take the time to check all forms that you fill out. Take it one step further and call your doctor's office to verify that contact information and spellings are correct. It may be a bit time-consuming, but a denial of benefits could delay the process even more.

Inconsistent Information

Forms are scrutinized for conflicting info in an attempt to prevent fraud. Things such as dates that you visited a doctor, details about your diagnoses, and any other factual information is checked to see that it matches up in all places of the application. All parts of your application must be verified, and any conflicting info could be construed as the applicant trying to make up information.

The last thing that you want to have happen to you is an SSDI claim to be denied because you messed up on transferring information to your forms. Make sure that everything is consistent to ensure the application process goes smoothly.

Lapsed Deadlines

Know that there is a strict timetable that you must follow with an SSDI application, especially when it comes to appealing a denial. While there are exceptions for missing a deadline in extreme situations, such as having paperwork destroyed in a house fire or flood, missing a deadline could cause you to lose out on receiving benefits.

If your claim has been denied, the best bet to a successful appeal will be to work with a lawyer that specializes in SSDI appeals. For more information, contact a law firm that works on social security cases, such as Van Gilder & Trzynka PC.
